Tuesday, 10 July 2012

July Competition

The July painting competition for all members of the society was titled "Windmills". There were many exceptional paintings and the winner and first prize was Dave Jaundrell, second was Bill Horsfield and third Pauline Davidson. Next months competition is "Galleons from Afar".

Theme Night

Members had an interesting evening painting Judith Herring's "Beach Finds" and entering their works of art into a competition to find the best painting of the evening. The winner was Mary Edwards with her fine painting of shells.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Exciting Year Ahead

Just glancing through the programme for the coming year, there are so many varied art events coming up within the art society - New guest speakers and demonstrators, Working days with professional artists, Painting days out, Exhibitions, Competitions and Work-along evenings. Sharpen your pencils and clean your palettes.